Custom Earmolds and Ear Plugs

Recent estimates show that over 15% of Americans suffer from noise induced hearing loss (NIHL), which is a preventable form of hearing loss caused by exposure to loud noises. This type of damage to the ear is irreversible, but it is completely preventable by using custom hearing protection. We offer custom-fit earmolds and ear plugs which work well for underwater activities as well as loud environments.

If you’re exposed to loud noises for your job or during recreational activities, it’s imperative that you preserve your hearing through the use of custom hearing protection. Many times, common sounds we’re exposed to can be damaging without us knowing it, including: lawn mowers, truck engines, motorcycles, garbage trucks, chain saws, power tools, rock concerts, gunshots, and jet engines. Although store-bought ear plugs can offer a small amount of protection, custom-made earmolds and ear plugs provide significantly better protection by fitting into your ear canal perfectly.

At The Hearing Center we know how hard it can be to live with hearing loss, which is why we’re strong advocates for preventing hearing loss from happening at all. We offer a full line-up of custom hearing protection solutions to preserve your hearing and offer all-day comfort. These are ideal for:

  • Air traffic controllers
  • Musicians (Musician In-ear Monitors or IEMs)
  • Concert fans
  • Industrial & Construction personnel
  • Hunters
  • Sleep plug users
  • Law Enforcement
  • Woodworkers
  • Machinists
  • Swimmers
  • Divers

As the name implies, custom earmolds and ear plugs are made custom to fit the unique contour of your ear canal. If you have trouble getting a comfortable or secure fit with traditional earmolds or ear plugs, custom hearing protection may be for you. They offer the best hearing protection available. Earmolds come in a variety of materials and can be equipped with a fitted attenuator, enabling easy verbal communication while still protecting your hearing from harmful sounds. These types of earmolds tend to be popular with musicians, along with the in-ear-monitors (IEM) we offer.

Don’t wait until it’s too late: noise induced hearing loss occurs gradually over time and often sneaks up on sufferers. Most cases of it aren’t diagnosed until the hearing loss has progressed significantly. To protect your ability to hear for the years to come be sure to equip yourself with custom hearing protection today.

Prevent hearing loss before it even begins.